Research and documentary film on the relationships between humans and dolphins
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Research and documentary film on the relationships between humans and dolphins

Dates / Project duration

July 2023 - December 2025 / 30 months


In progress


Pelagos Sanctuary

Project leader(s)

Parc National Port-Cros ?


The relations between humans and dolphins have varied throughout time and among coastal civilizations. Adored and mythified, the animal has also been perceived as a rival, and has been, and sometimes still is, killed by fishermen for marine resources. The project will retrace, through a dual approach of sociological interviews and cinematography, the different facets that humans construct about the animal, and will show the complexity of the intersections of perspectives between researchers, economic actors, and other maritime users. Each of these perspectives triggers different understandings of the animal, which impact the behavior of these marine populations.

The film will reach a wide audience, engage young people in reflection, organize workshops and debates, and go beyond with its dissemination. It will allow for the construction of a creative narrative based on scientific knowledge and diverse imaginaries of actors and experts.